在發展中求生存,不斷完善,以良好信譽和科學的管理促進企業迅速發展Global resourcing and productionhave increased the demand for foodmanufacturers to ensure the safety
andintegrity of their products. Though aweakening U.S. dollar and rising costsoriginally forced U.S. food
manufactur-ers to consider less expensive importedprotein sources, they have had toreevaluate that strategy
because of thevast opportunity for adulterated ship-ments and lack of accurate and timelytesting procedures.
Customs inspec-tors and food manufacturers receive amultitude of large shipments every dayof wheat gluten,
rice protein, soy meal,and other protein-rich ingredients.Laboratories are already backlogged,and having to
wait days for test resultscreates a bottleneck that costs suppliersand end users time and money.
Moreimportantly, test methods that do notmeasure protein directly are inaccurateand can inadvertently
allow tainted orsubstandard ingredients into the foodsupply, jeopardizing consumers!ˉ
healtas well as their trust in the manufactur-ers of the products they use.
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